
Understanding Epigenetics and Trauma: A Pathway to Healing

Understanding Epigenetics and Trauma: A Pathway to Healing

In the intricate tapestry of our lives, the impact of trauma can linger far beyond the initial experience, leaving an indelible mark on our bodies and minds. As a registered clinical counsellor deeply committed to supporting individuals on their healing journey, I...

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Traveling and Neurodiversity

Traveling and Neurodiversity

December is often a season of traveling. Whether that’s a holiday, a family vacation, or a trip home, there can be a lot to consider when someone in your travel party is neurodivergent. Here are tips to think about. Pre-Planning and Preparation: Perhaps you’re a...

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Family Gatherings as a Trauma Survivor

Family Gatherings as a Trauma Survivor

Are you a survivor of childhood trauma, had a complicated relationship with parents while growing up, or just find family gatherings very stressful yet still feel inclined to attend? That’s okay. I’ve put together a checklist of ideas to help support you through the...

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Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting

Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting

Although I am a registered clinical counsellor (RCC) in British Columbia and working towards my doctorate in psychology, I support my clients in other ways as well. In addition to the therapy I provide, with a lot of my clients who are parents there’s a certain amount...

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Ashwagandha…Can it help with anxiety?

Ashwagandha…Can it help with anxiety?

Do you struggle with symptoms of anxiety? Do you want to avoid the use of pharmaceuticals? Or maybe your symptoms are sporadic and you feel they don't warrant a prescription. There are non-pharmaceuticals that you can try, such as botanicals, including Ashwagandha....

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You Don’t Need a Diagnosis

You Don’t Need a Diagnosis

PTSD, complex PTSD, ADHD, autism, anxiety, borderline personality, depression… The list goes on and on. As a counsellor, I don’t need my client to have a diagnosis. If you have one, that’s great, but if you don’t and you’re struggling with various symptoms, that’s...

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Anxiety, the Vagus Nerve, and Your Nervous System

Do you struggle with anxiety and the symptoms that go along with it? Continue reading to learn how anxiety is connected with your nervous system and some strategies to help calm it and your symptoms of anxiety. Many, many years ago during prehistoric times our nervous...

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