
Navigating Trauma: From Crisis to Healing

Navigating Trauma: From Crisis to Healing

I was struggling in medical school. I knew it was going to be hard, like drinking water from a fire hydrant with all of the materials that needed to be absorbed, but the experience was beyond comprehension. My first go of it ended in disaster. It involved a...

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Do You Need Self-Care or a Community?

Do You Need Self-Care or a Community?

When my sons were young, one of my friends had two children about the same age. One evening a week I would watch her children while she and her husband each had work commitments. Our families were close and I appreciated that we had similar ideas about parenting and...

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Traveling and Neurodiversity

Traveling and Neurodiversity

December is often a season of traveling. Whether that’s a holiday, a family vacation, or a trip home, there can be a lot to consider when someone in your travel party is neurodivergent. Here are tips to think about. Pre-Planning and Preparation: Perhaps you’re a...

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Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting

Counseling, Coaching, and Consulting

Although I am a registered clinical counsellor (RCC) in British Columbia and working towards my doctorate in psychology, I support my clients in other ways as well. In addition to the therapy I provide, with a lot of my clients who are parents there’s a certain amount...

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