Borderline Personality Disorder

Understanding Epigenetics and Trauma: A Pathway to Healing

Understanding Epigenetics and Trauma: A Pathway to Healing

In the intricate tapestry of our lives, the impact of trauma can linger far beyond the initial experience, leaving an indelible mark on our bodies and minds. As a registered clinical counsellor deeply committed to supporting individuals on their healing journey, I...

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Navigating Therapy: Finding Support on Your Terms

Navigating Therapy: Finding Support on Your Terms

I work with clients a little differently. As a survivor of complex childhood trauma, I personally know what it’s like to start counseling or to start counseling with a new therapist and have the dread of sharing the story of our trauma. It can be triggering just to...

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Traveling and Neurodiversity

Traveling and Neurodiversity

December is often a season of traveling. Whether that’s a holiday, a family vacation, or a trip home, there can be a lot to consider when someone in your travel party is neurodivergent. Here are tips to think about. Pre-Planning and Preparation: Perhaps you’re a...

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Is Your Counsellor Qualified?

Is Your Counsellor Qualified?

Navigating the vast landscape of counseling, therapy, and psychology, one might assume that every practitioner is well-equipped to work with the neurodivergent community. However, as Devon Price, the insightful author of Unmasking Autism, points out, true...

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Family Gatherings as a Trauma Survivor

Family Gatherings as a Trauma Survivor

Are you a survivor of childhood trauma, had a complicated relationship with parents while growing up, or just find family gatherings very stressful yet still feel inclined to attend? That’s okay. I’ve put together a checklist of ideas to help support you through the...

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