The Importance of Building Adult Friendships
As we transition into adulthood, the dynamics of friendships often change. Our busy lives, responsibilities, and the pursuit of personal goals can make it challenging to maintain and build new friendships. However, the importance of adult friendships cannot be...
Embrace Summer for Personal Growth: The Benefits of Working with a Coach
Summer is a season of renewal, a perfect time to reflect, set goals, and realign your intentions. As the days grow longer and the pace of life slows down a bit, it offers an ideal opportunity to invest in yourself and your future. One powerful way to harness this...
Embracing Summer Adventures: Tips for Neurodivergent Families
Summer has definitely made its appearance. Whether you're in various regions of the US experiencing record high temperatures or in the Vancouver, Canada area where I am located, enjoying temperatures in the mid-20s to 30 degrees Celsius, we are clearly in the midst of...
Navigating Grief: Losing Loved Ones and Finding Support
As many of you know, I lost my father late last summer. Although it was expected, the timing was still a bit of a surprise. My dad was one of my best friends, and we talked almost every day. It was unusual for us not to. Once I moved away from him, it was a great way...
Understanding Epigenetics and Trauma: A Pathway to Healing
In the intricate tapestry of our lives, the impact of trauma can linger far beyond the initial experience, leaving an indelible mark on our bodies and minds. As a registered clinical counsellor deeply committed to supporting individuals on their healing journey, I...
Embracing Neurodivergence and Healing from Trauma: A Journey to Self-Discovery
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the demands of everyday life. As a counselor and life coach specializing in neurodivergence and trauma, I've witnessed firsthand the challenges individuals face in navigating their unique paths to healing...
Navigating Trauma: From Crisis to Healing
I was struggling in medical school. I knew it was going to be hard, like drinking water from a fire hydrant with all of the materials that needed to be absorbed, but the experience was beyond comprehension. My first go of it ended in disaster. It involved a...
Navigating Therapy: Finding Support on Your Terms
I work with clients a little differently. As a survivor of complex childhood trauma, I personally know what it’s like to start counseling or to start counseling with a new therapist and have the dread of sharing the story of our trauma. It can be triggering just to...
Achieving Your Goals: Strategies for Success
Setting goals is an essential part of personal and professional growth. Whether it's advancing in your career, improving your health and fitness, or pursuing a passion project, having clear objectives helps guide your actions and measure progress. However, simply...
Navigating Neurodivergent Procrastination: A Journey Through Burnout and Overwhelm
Today feels like one of those days. Scratch that—it's been one of those weeks. Tasks seem to have multiplied while I've felt too burned out and overwhelmed to tackle them. My diary page, initially marked for Monday, now bears the weight of Tuesday’s and Wednesday's...